I'm not feeling overly eloquent with words but here are a few blog posts and internet things that either made me laugh or feel inspired this week.
I love lists:
5 Lies About Your Body
We are so much more than what our superficial society tells us. Remind yourself with these short and sweet truths that you are good from the inside out.
5 Things Christians Should Stop Saying
We have some well meaning, cliché phrases that we say all the time that are actually quite messed up. Jason Johnson has some good thoughts on them.
7 Ways to be Insufferable on Facebook
This one just made me laugh a lot because we are all guilty of these at some point or another. Brilliant.
23 Things To Do Instead Of Getting Engaged Before You're 23
Speaking of insufferable things on Facebook, I'm glad to know it was not just my own newsfeed that blew up with an unnecessary amount of engagement announcements this holiday season. Barf. The girl who wrote this (who happens to be teaching English is China) has got some better ideas goin' on.
>> I also really enjoyed this blog post from Emily, a girl I worked with at the Music Resource Centre during my last university semester. She talks about meeting a classy and beautiful older lady with an inspiring love story. It was a love built through commitment and letter writing over long distance. The post is a commentary on how our generation is constantly looking for the next best thing rather than not giving up on what they've got. It's a good read.
>> How many times do we think, "If only this would happen for me like it did for them" or "If only I could be more like __ and then I would be happy". The Times and Seasons series from Steven Furtick of Elevation Church really got me thinking on the joys of living in our own season, rather than wishing to have someone else's.
Lines that stood out from part one were that "there's a struggle in every season" and "getting a blessing before its time makes it a burden". Let that sink in for a minute! I think if everyone watched this they would start the New Year off in the best way ever.