Christan and Matt cooked up some excellent food and we all ate and relaxed until it was time to go to house church. When we got there, we reflected individually on God and ourselves through some topics read aloud. Its nice to take the time to sit in the quiet amongst a group of like-minded people.
After that, we split up into two groups, guys and girls, and discussed where we were in our lives, spiritually or otherwise. The conclusion that always seems to be drawn is that no matter what stage of life you are in, God is watching over you, taking you through it step by step. The process goes a little easier when we acknowledge that we’re not alone, and that there is a purpose.
I’ve been slowly meeting some awesome people during my stay. I’m going to miss it here that much more because of this. Friends do come and go in life, but I’ve had the realization that I need to invest more into the friendships that are around me now.
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