Had an eventful weekend. Friday night went to the Red Pepper for the SASF closing, then had a little dessert at McDonalds. Saturday, Rocky made a lovely supper for a whole crew of us then we all went to an ice cream sundae birthday party for Jordan Kung. I was one 'chain link measurement' away from winning at Pin the Tail on the Bull. Tragic. At the end of the night I got to see Sarah, who flew in earlier that day from Halifax for the week. So good to see her! Funny that she arrived on the same plane as my lil sis coming back from her trip to Cali.
It was my sister Elizabeth's birthday yesterday so I went home for the occasion. So since I'm home and have been craving the Spicy Mac n Cheese that I had made once before (except with mild cheese, no jalapenos, & extra cayenne pepper), I made it for supper for the fam tonight. Sorry Robz, couldn't wait. We'll still make it soon though, promise!
Unrelated, but I came across some pictures from my nan's 79th birthday which was in March:
Yeah you better still make it with me soon! I'm drooling on my keyboard as I type this.
Haha! Yes maid, don't you worry!