
Monday, January 16, 2012

ode to nail polish

Ever since I've been home I've been wearing the brightest nail polish combinations I can think of. Then last week I remembered these wee beauties I'd bought ages ago. Turned out pretty well, huh? Stick on. File to shape. Done. When you work a job that allows only natural or mute toned nailpolish you begin to desire something a little more adventurous. Going to embrace my freedom of nail art expression 
in as many different ways as I can before I go back!  
It's all about the little things, you know.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

joy of books

Saw this today. The things people do with a little bit of time and creativity amazes me.

Monday, January 9, 2012

thank you for being a friend

Had such a good weekend. 
A few farewells: Mandy was off to Toronto early Saturday morning and then Sarah and Brandon 
went back to Scotland on Sunday evening. 
But while they were here we had fun celebrating Caitlin's birthday Friday evening, 
then later we got refused at 24 hr Celtic Hearth (unspeakable!), Subway was out of bread (unbelievable!) 
and thus had hotdogs and wedges freezing outside instead (unbearable!). 
Saturday was sleeping in, brunch with Tony, hanging out with Catherine (and Alicia) 
at her apartment watching Brandy's Cinderella (remember that one?) 
and then some late night take out from "Momma Bellies" aka "Mohammed Ali" 
nom nom for falafel pita sandwiches and Golden Girls. 
Sunday was more hanging out with everyone listed above, 
driving home in time for church, visiting a recovering Aunt Dorothy, then having soup & grilled cheese 
and a movie with Aunt Ollie & Uncle Frank.

Basically my heart is aching right now because so many of my favourite people are everywhere but here. 

I'm on moons and clouds 
where worlds wrap around

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I haven't figured out how to make this circle scarf look good yet.
Imma juss wear it like dis instead.
I miss taking pictures with my fraands--it leads to self-portraiture boredom.
On the surface today seemed rather uneventful, but I quite enjoyed myself. 
I had a quality heart to heart with Elizabeth; filled out passport renewal paperwork; 
tormented my puppy and kitty cats, a lot; played Super Mario Bros on Wii; 
finished off the day catching up with my friend Matt in North Carolina. 
Overall, it was a lazy feel good kinda day.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

year in review

Read the entire Harry Potter series for the first time (yes, that deserves to be first!)
Took over the school with Brittany
Had the best Winter day ever
Strolled along Quidi Vidi with Tony
Spent Valentine's Day with some lovelies
Finally let go of a rollercoaster relationship
Had a time at the SASF Paris Ball - some of the decorating crew priming with some Mickey D's haha
Sister survived a car accident without a scratch
Two cuties got married
I quit my job and moved home for the summer
Had many fun sister roadtrips.
Started sketching again 
We lived long and prospered
A fun Canada Day in PDG
My favourite family picture to date taken at my cousin's wedding
Early morning fishing trips//whales!
Volunteered at VBS at church
Hey Rosetta concert with a few pals
Girls nights
Spent four months living "the Disney dream"
Had amazing roomies- Jenni from Canada and then Melanie from England
Travelled more than I have in my entire life: 
Canada: (Vancouver, Victoria); 
USA: Alaska (Skagway, Ketchikan, Tracy's Arm, Juneau), California: (LA, San Pedro); 
Mexico: (Puerta Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, Ensenada)
Experienced 'dry dock'
Crossed jetskiing, ziplining and parasailing off my bucket list
Danced like a pirate with friends from around the globe
My sister got engaged!
Came home in time for Christmas
Got to spend a day with Robz while she was back in town
Rang in the New Year with these lovely folks!

I have mixed feelings about 2011. I debated whether or not I even wanted to do this but in looking back, despite the constant shadow of the bad, I can see that there was a lot of goodness to be found as well. The second half of the year certainly redeemed the first and I am so very thankful for that. I am incredibly grateful for the friendships that helped me through it. I said goodbye to certain dreams but now have a more exciting future set for myself than I'd had at the start of 2011. As painful as it was, in many ways I am relieved; 
I've learned that I am strong. I look forward to more happiness in 2012!