
Friday, November 6, 2009

learning to swim

I was feeling a little nostalgic this morning as I drank my coffee and watched some toddlers going about their swimming lessons. The seating area of the Tim Horton’s on campus looks into the Aquarena, our swimming pool, so for a short while this was my entertainment. As I watched there was one little girl who was afraid to jump from the side and into the arms of the woman teaching her, unless she was holding her hands. She then trusted and made her leap.

One year when I was a kid in swimming lessons, there was a girl in my group that was afraid to swim out to the teacher, even though they would never allow her to sink. I wasn’t afraid, but for some reason I pretended I didn’t want to do it either. Part of me wanted to give support, searched for solidarity and a friend to bond with. Even at this young age, I regretted faking it. I knew I was braver and stronger than that.

It still catch myself doing this, but I'm getting better.

I was also reminded of my favourite part of swimming lessons: the SLIDE! I would always look forward to the end of my lesson because of the ‘big’ slide we all got to go on. It was scary at the top, but with the exhilaration of zooming down I always knew that the instructor at the bottom would catch me and keep me from going under. Watching the children’s faces light up with joy upon reaching the bottom was simply adorable.

As I watched, I started to make some spiritual comparisons. When life is going well we just slide into his arms of grace. Other times maybe we know everything is going to be fine, but we allow those around us to hold us back.

One thing we need to accept is that in every situation we can have faith that in the end he will not permit us to falter. If we fall too deep or lose sight of what’s important, he does not let us sink too far.

He is always there to catch us whether we believe in it or not.

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