
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

then and now.

Coming across the pictures from two years ago inspired me to take out the camera again today. It’s a beautiful afternoon, even though (as usual) the wind is a little chilly.
 Even though I’ve been a little sheltered here I’m thankful that I grew up in my small town, and that I got to live next to this beautiful view every single day. Having lived in the city for the last few years for university makes me realize how much I took/take this for granted.

I hope I’m lucky enough to live somewhere close to a body of water when I get settled. Even if it were a lake, or a river. I realize more than ever just how much the ocean is a part of me, how the gentle lapping to the crashing of the waves against the shore soothes my spirit. Listen to its rhythms under a full moon, surrounded by the stars and you’ll understand.

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