
Saturday, September 25, 2010

day of travels - september 23rd

charlotte airport. 9:50 am. pumpkin spice latte infused. not ready for the long day ahead.
toronto airport. 2:30 pm. people watching. airports are the best place. saw lots of big families of asians.
montreal airport. 7:40 pm. tired and achey, with a creeper in the background edition.

Luckily everything went as it should. Plenty of time between flights. No rush. No lost baggage. No delays. No travel stress other than the knowledge that the gap between me and North Carolina was growing ever larger. I'm happy to say that this was one of the best travelling experiences I've had yet.

I enjoyed my last few moments with my boy. We saw both bird AND plane inside the airport. Seemed that the little bird was trying to decide which airline was best for him to take. It was funny, and helped lighten the mood.
I relunctantly walked through the security gate and he stayed until I was no longer in sight. As comforting as it was to see him wait for me, there was nothing I wanted to do more than to turn and go back. I absolutely hated waiting in the slow moving line when I would rather hold his hand. The feeling intensifies with every trip that comes to an end.

And the remainder of the day's events in point form:
-sitting by ana cowan, nice lady who taught me some spanish on the flight (funny that i met someone who once lived in newfoundland on a flight from charlotte!)
-wolfgang puck for lunch, $15 pizza and drink, only to find a tim horton's on the other side of the gate. darn it.
-watching modern family from toronto to montreal.
-seeing pretty lakes and scenery from the plane
-calling my mom during her parent teacher meetings; calling chandler
-sitting in airport on internet, killing time
-having a bad back from overpacking my bookbag and purse, lugging it all across the airports
-wondering where to find food next
-watching french tv in montreal, then finding french tim horton's for late supper
-watching more modern family on the way to newfoundland; dude stole my window seat :(
-being greeted by elizabeth in st. john's :)
-finding more tim horton's for the ride home. seemed like no one had a plain tea biscuit anywhere.
-home at 2am

voila. my day.

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