
Friday, August 12, 2011

at long last

I have been up since 4 to catch my flight at 7am and after a lot of travellin' I have arrived safely in Vancouver! Phewf. Why am I in Vancouver? Well, I haven't wanted to say much about my job because I was afraid something would go wrong and I'd jinx it. But all is well and I'm in Vancouver for training for my work on Disney Cruise Lines. I'll be working with the kiddo programming while heading to Alaska, then down to the Mexican Riviera. Can't. Believe. I'm. Finally. Here. Today is literally going to be the longest day of my life, with the time zone changes. My body feels like 9pm but its only 4:30 here. I'll sleep tonight for sure. I've never been on the west coast before! Flying over the Rocky Mountains was probably my top favourite flying moment ever. So crazy pretty.


I'm both excited and nervous to start my safety training tomorrow morning. It requires jumping in a swimming pool and it'll probably be my first time swimming this summer. Yikes. But get this, in this place, in this province the sun actually SHINES! Ever since I left NL, I have seen sun and I am so happy to see it again, friends, no joke.

Anyway, I'm checked into my hotel and my roommate hasn't arrived yet. I think I might go back out and explore the airport a little more, or take a walk outside. I don't know how often I'll get to update you all on what I'm up to in the next few months, but I'll sure try my best to catch a moment here and there or post a photo or two.

And despite how I feel about myself on camera, here is a little tour of my hotel room right now.


  1. you are too stinkin cute :) NICE HOTEL ROOM!!

  2. haha thanks nina! they are spoiling us rotten before we have to deal with sleeping in closets for the next four months.

    EMILY. I am so jealous. this is amazing! I'm so happy for youuuu!
    ...kinda wish you were doing a mediterranean cruise, though, so I could visit. :)
